Massage is often thought of as just a feel-good luxury for the wealthy or limited to use at special occasions. The truth is that as a society, we in the US have not yet fully accepted or learned how massage can help our citizens be healthier, stay healthier, and recover quicker from illness. Other countries and cultures have understood these benefits and employed them successfully for thousands of years. Take a look below and ask yourself if any of these benefits could help you:
Reduce Stress:
The overall session is designed to reduce physical as well as mental stress.
Increase Resistance to Illness:
Massage can help boost the immune system.
Decrease Repetitive Stress Symptoms:
Problems like carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis are examples of injuries associated with repetitive actions. This type of work leads to chronic tightness and physical injury. Massage helps to reduce this chronic muscle tightness and help to educate clients on correcting posture, stretches, and self help.
Increases Flexibility:
By reducing muscle tension and chronic tightness, your flexibility will increase tremendously.
Increase Range-of-Motion (R.O.M.):
R.O.M. is decreased by chronic tension, massage can reduce tension and tightness, thereby increasing R.O.M.
Reduce Muscle Soreness:
Poor posture and chronic tension lead to soreness and pain. By reducing the tension through my sessions and educating my clients on posture, I can help eliminate pain of this nature.
Reduce Anxiety:
Sometimes our hectic lives take an emotional toll on our bodies which leads to physical problems. My sessions give an effective way for high stress people to take time out.