Office Rates | Outcall Rates | Payment | Cancellations
For a breakdown of industry rates, please contact us.
1/2 hour massage $45.00
1 hour massage $75.00
1 1/4 hour massage $95.00
1 1/2 hour massage $110.00
LaStone Therapy 1 1/4 hour $110.00
LaStone Therapy 1 1/2 hour $130.00
1/2 hour massage $80.00
1 hour massage $150.00
1 1/4 hour massage $165.00
1 1/2 hour massage $175.00
LaStone Therapy N/A
Rates slightly higher for appointments after 9 p.m. and weekends
*For driving distances of 10 miles in radius only. A surcharge will be applied for longer driving distances.
By appointment only
Closed Monday
Gift Certificates Available
Cash and checks are accepted at the time of your visit. A service fee of $20.00 is applied for any returned checks.
Cancellation Policy
To avoid charges, please provide at least 24 hours notice for cancellations. A $30.00 charge will apply for late cancellations, no shows and missed appointments.
As a courtesy to everyone, please be prompt. Late arrivals can only be extended to the time remaining in their scheduled session.
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