Tanja Barnes, LMT
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Welcome to my on-line quarterly newsletter which now offers daily inspirational thoughts for a happy, healthy, fulfilling day. This feature is brought to you by DailyOM, an on-line resource for nurturing your mind, body and spirit. Simply click on the link below:

Winter 2004 Newsletter

Aloha Nui Loa and Happy Holy Days!

Winter Solstice is a celebration of renewal and rebirth. In the Northern Hemisphere, it is the longest night and the shortest day, but from then on the days grow longer and longer. The word "solstice" means "standing still sun" and comes from Latin, from "sol" meaning sun, and "sistere" to cause to stand still. The winter solstice is the day that marks the turning point each year for the return of the sun. In ancient times it was feared that on this, the shortest day of the year, the sun's failing light would never return unless humans would intervene with celebration.

Ancient pagan customs (that were later co-opted into Christian traditions) celebrate the rebirth of the sun through the burning all night fires and the Yule log to dispel winter's darkness. Holly and evergreens were cherished as a natural symbol of rebirth and life when nothing else seemed to survive in the dead cold of winter. Even Chanukah, the Jewish Festival of Lights, heralds this time of year with the lighting of candles. In many cultures these practices symbolize the sun's rebirth, and many, many winter solstice rituals end with singing and caroling in of the new sunrise. I can hear the Beatles' tune in my mind in response to a long cold lonely winter now: "Here comes the sun! Here comes the sun!" To me this secular song somehow elicits holiday cheer with the life affirming message "It's all right!" Indeed it's true, little darlin's, in the cycle of life, it is all right. It is all good!

In his last words to his disciples, the Buddha said: "Make of yourself a light." If the holidays, as they often can, cause within you a Shakespearean winter of discontent, I encourage you to shine! Be a shining star, no matter who you are! Little darlin's, during this long cold lonely winter, follow the Buddha's sagely advice. First shine an inner light towards yourself, become a light unto yourself first. Let the light dispel your inner darkness; embrace your shadow. Let love be the supreme quality of your light. When that flame is burning inside, then the light flows outside. Wherever it falls, it is love. Dare to be a hunk of burnin' love and start a ring of fire!

I'm proud to feature in this edition of my newsletter Julie Sullivan, the creator of The RAY, a spirited publication building a community of women, dedicated to the journey of self-love. Julie's enthusiasm absolutely shines in her words as she joins me in holy day wishes of cheer. Her message offers helpful information on how to take on the new year and how to contemplate and cultivate opportunities for growth arising from the season.

I close with this Hawaiian blessing: "E lei kau, e lei ho'oilo i ke aloha" which translates to mean "Love is worn like a wreath through the summers and the winters. Love is everlasting." My heartfelt wish to you and yours is a gift of spirit that cannot be bought with money: love that lasts forever. May the traditions of the season's holy days bring you warmth and cheer. No matter the form of your celebration, be it the ancient Roman celebration of Sol Invictus (invincible sun), or the pagan Saturnalia festival, or the Winter Solstice or the Yule, or Christmas or Chanukah as celebrated in the days of old, or modern day's Kwanzaa festivities, may your observances of the shortest day of the year and the return to the days of light resonate within you to celebrate life and a new start for the new year.

Breathe. Love. Burn. Hauoli Makahiki Hou and all the best in 2005!

Tanja Barnes, LMT

The Ultimate Commitment
by Julie Sullivan

Another year comes to a close and the excitement of renewed hope begins our journey into the New Year. One can even feel the shift in energy from December to January. There is the inevitable chaos of the holidays, which can bring up many varied emotions. It can also represent the inner turmoil of being faced with the question we most reflect on at this time of year, "what have I accomplished and what are my future goals?" However, amidst all the holiday hoopla, we create rituals of gift giving, express our gratitude, and make time to gather. We nurture our lives and those in it with ceremonial celebration and that is the essence of how we leave each year.

Then, the New Year arrives, and we focus on our individual goals of becoming better persons in one way or another. We resolve to commit to certain aspects of our lives and work toward changing things for the better. It is that commitment which is the true challenge of not only the New Year, but of life itself. Commitment is defined as: 1. something that takes up time or energy, especially an obligation;2. devotion or dedication to a cause, a person, or a relationship; 3. a planned arrangement or activity that cannot be avoided. 4. a written court order confining somebody to a mental health facility or prison. Wow- by that definition, its no surprise the human race has such a difficult time with the various commitments in our lives. They can literally drive us crazy! It is a wonder why we even make them? What gain comes from working diligently and seeing something through? What are the benefits of following through with a promise to yourself and others? That is something you can all ask of yourself. I'm sure the answers will vary greatly.

For me, I truly believe that a commitment is a promise to yourself that you will work hard at improving something in your life (whatever that means to you), and possibly the lives of those around you. You may make a resolution to get in shape, to change bad habits, or to find a new job but unless you make those goals part of an overall commitment to yourself, you may have a very hard time realizing them. In my own life- I choose to commit to myself, on a daily basis. By that I mean, making a renewed promise to myself, every day, to honor my truth, listen to my soul and accept myself for who I am, right now. It's self-love; the ultimate commitment and lifelong journey.

By pledging to follow my truth, every other commitment becomes simpler. When you truly honor your Self and really listen to your soul you will make decisions from a more grounded and centered place. Your intuition will grow stronger and you'll learn to follow it more often. You'll even find that you aren't making the kinds of commitments that are difficult for you. You'll have a better understanding of what you are capable of and learn to say no when things don't feel right. You'll even find yourself wanting to exercise, eat healthier and rid yourself of bad habits simply because you are making time for you and really honoring who you are. These acts become an extension of your self-truth and self-honor. In loving oneself you'll have a lot more love for others and with that you'll find compassion, patience and gratitude towards those around you. In turn you will make a difference in someone else's journey by receiving them with love and most likely, they will pass that on to others. Good energy is contagious. By making a commitment to you- you are making a commitment to the world. It all begins within and with, YOU.

So, as you reflect on your journey this year and think about what resolutions you want for next year- keep it simple. Make the resolution you. You deserve this gift so give it to yourself. (If only the rest of your holiday gifts were this affordable!) I wish you peace and love during the holidays and throughout the year!

Julie Sullivan is the creator of The RAY; an online publication for women dedicated to the journey of self-love. She creates monthly women gathering circles call Soul Sisters Soiree's where women come to celebrate their journey, embrace their unique selves and honor their paths. For more information check out: www.TheRAY.org To download the most recent copy of The RAY, the "VOICE" issue, click here: www.theray.org/data/magazine/current.

Previous "In Touch with Tanja Barnes" newsletters:

Fall 2004
Summer 2004
Spring 2004
Winter 2003
Fall 2003
Summer 2003
Spring 2003
Fall 2002
Summer 2002
Spring 2002
Winter 2001
Fall 2001

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